Chenyo's org-static-blog

Posts tagged "trip":

06 Sep 2024

Hiked: Stoos

1. What happened?

About three weeks ago, I hiked Stoos and wrote a Redbook post. Unfortunately, the post was only visible to me, apparently violating community guidelines.

I spent most of that day trying to identify the problematic content, repeatedly editing and reposting. Later, I learned this behavior is discouraged on Redbook, e.g., I am not really authorized to edit my own content.

Frustrated, I abandoned my efforts, leaving my Redbook homepage cluttered with articles like “10 Behaviors That Harm Your Redbook Account” and “100 Forbidden Words on Redbook”.

Though brief, this experience instilled in me a tendency towards self-censorship, a feeling I deeply resent. I also noticed the lack of competitive alternatives to this centralized platform where users share authentic life experiences through multimedia.

Well played, Redbook!

2. What now?

Anyway, given that I invested considerable effort in creating post figures, I will post them here instead.

Figure 1: The Stoos roadmap
Figure 2: The uphill view
Figure 3: The top view
Figure 4: The ridge roadmap
Figure 5: The ridge view
Figure 6: My trace
Figure 7: Recommended apps
Figure 8: My favorite hike shoots
Figure 9: The Redbook post
Tags: personal trip stoos
29 Jun 2024

Viewed: Interlaken

1. Where did we go

  • We rent a car and drove to Interlaken.
  • We visited Aareschlucht and Brienz, and did some short strolls around.
Figure 1: The view outside the car

2. Why did we go

  • According to the unpredictable Meteoswiss forecast, this Saturday would have been the only weekend-day with some good weather in limited locations to go hiking since 2? or 3? weeks ago.
  • But this was not the case anymore when we arrived the Rothorn Kulm restaurant via the steam train.
Figure 2: The weather at the Rothorn Kulm

3. What did we do

  1. We first went a tour in Aareschlucht, where we experienced both strong cold wind and gentle warm wind.
  2. We then did a half-hour small hiking to go back to our starting point.
  3. Then we drove to Brienz, and had a relaxing lunch along the lake, where I ate a piece of watermelon.
  4. We took the 1-hour steam train to the Rothorn Kulm, when we arrived it started to be foggy, windy and rainy.
  5. We refilled our energy with hot drinks and snacks in the restaurant, and took a short stroll around the restaurant.
  6. We went back to the restaurant to escape the cold (yes it is end of June) and waited for the steam train to go down.
  7. During the train down the sun came out a bit, and the view was clear and nice again!
Figure 3: The water in Aareschlucht
Figure 4: The view on the train
Tags: personal trip interlaken
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