Posts tagged "interlaken":
29 Jun 2024
Viewed: Interlaken
1. Where did we go
- We rent a car and drove to Interlaken.
- We visited Aareschlucht and Brienz, and did some short strolls around.
2. Why did we go
- According to the unpredictable Meteoswiss forecast, this Saturday would have been the only weekend-day with some good weather in limited locations to go hiking since 2? or 3? weeks ago.
- But this was not the case anymore when we arrived the Rothorn Kulm restaurant via the steam train.
3. What did we do
- We first went a tour in Aareschlucht, where we experienced both strong cold wind and gentle warm wind.
- We then did a half-hour small hiking to go back to our starting point.
- Then we drove to Brienz, and had a relaxing lunch along the lake, where I ate a piece of watermelon.
- We took the 1-hour steam train to the Rothorn Kulm, when we arrived it started to be foggy, windy and rainy.
- We refilled our energy with hot drinks and snacks in the restaurant, and took a short stroll around the restaurant.
- We went back to the restaurant to escape the cold (yes it is end of June) and waited for the steam train to go down.
- During the train down the sun came out a bit, and the view was clear and nice again!