Chenyo's org-static-blog

23 Jun 2024

Weblab notes: React route

This is a personal note for the web.lab lectures.

1. Router

  • use the Reach Reach Router library
  • URL -> Router -> render different components

    1: <App>
    2:   // conditional rendering based on curren url
    3:   <Router>
    4:     <Home path="/" /> // root path
    5:     <Dashboard path="dashboard" /> // relative to the current URL
    6:     <Team path="/team" /> // absolute path: root path + "/team"
    7:     <NotFound default />
    8:   </Router>
    9: </App>;

2. Link

  • relative: <Link to="newpage">Click me</Link>
  • absolute: <Link to="/newpage">Click me</Link>

3. Workshop 3

3.1. Structure

Figure 1: The Catbook structure in workshop 3

3.2. States

name states
Feed stories: a list of stories
Card comments: a list of comments for a story id

3.3. Props

index props
1 a function to update stories
2 all attributes in a story
3 the attributes used to display a story
4 a story id; a list of comments under the story; a function to update comments
5 all attributes in a comment
6 a comment id; the function to update comments

3.4. Why passing down the update function in props 1, 4, 6?

  • To share the parent states, i.e., stories and comments to child component. Since the post action happens in the child component, we need a way to automatically update the states to see new contents immediately.
Tags: study web react mit