Chenyo's org-static-blog

Posts tagged "i3":

24 Jun 2024

Linux use tips

1. i3

1.1. Move specific workspaces between different monitors (ref)

  1. Adjust the monitor relative positions.
  2. Use i3-msg -- move workspace to output right to move the current workspace to the monitor on the right

2. Org

2.1. Format code blocks

  • Use the shortcut < s <TAB> to create a code block.
  • Use C-c ' to enter the code environment to use the language major mode.

3. Emacs

3.1. Prefix argument

  • When the function includes (interactive "P"), it means one can add a prefix argument C-u 1 (or any integer) to trigger some effect.

3.2. Help functions

  • Ctrl-h K get the function name given a shortcut

4. Vim

4.1. Delete a word backwards

  • diw or daw

5. Firefox

5.1. Cache bypass refresh

  • Ctrl+Shift+R
Tags: tool linux i3 arch
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